Our Services

  • Outsourced Accounting & Bookkeeping

We keep your accounting books up-to-date with a fraction of having accounting staff. We are specialized in QuickBooks Online (QBO), so even if you are not using this platform, we assist you migrating to QBO. We help clients improve the productivity and profitability of their business. Here is a list of our outsourced services:

  1. Bank & Credit Card Reconciliation

  2. Accounts Payable and Receivable Reconciliation

  3. Financial Analysis, Budgeting and Forecasting

  4. Payroll

  5. Government Remittances (GST/HST, WSIB & Source Deductions)

  • Business Registration

We do the work getting your business registered and active. We provide full service setups to ensure that your business is good to go from day one. We will help you to set up:

    1. Articles of Incorporation

    2. Business Number

    3. HST and Payroll Accounts

    4. WSIB

  • Business Process Design & Control Improvement

We analyze your practices and systems while setting up and operating your accounting system. Then, we will recommend actions that can lead to significant cost savings or business improvement.

  • Revenue Assurance

Upon request, we analyze the sales reports and locate any potential missed billings for our clients.